Resolution of the Maryland Commission on Indian Affairs

TITLE:  A Resolution in Support of The Elimination of the Use of American Indian Descriptions of Mascots, Logos and Sports Team Nicknames for Maryland Public Schools and Institutions of Higher Education

Whereas, the Maryland Commission on Indian Affairs is an agency of the State of Maryland in the Department of Housing and Community Development created by the Maryland General Assembly.

Whereas, the general purpose of the Maryland Commission on Indian Affairs is to advocate for the needs and concerns of Maryland American Indian population; to provide aid and protection; to prevent undue hardships; and to assist Indian communities in social and economic development, and

Whereas, the use of American Indian descriptions which name mascots, logos, and sports team nicknames are considered offensive, disrespectful, demeaning and make a mockery of Indian people, their culture, their heritage and their traditions, and

Whereas, the use of American Indian descriptions which name mascots, logos, and sports team nicknames contribute to poor race relations because they are viewed as racist, oppressive, and are harmful to harmonious relationships between American Indians and non-Indian citizens, and

Whereas, the use of American Indian descriptions which name mascots, logos, and sports team nicknames contribute to negative learning environment in our public schools and Institutions of Higher Education, and perpetuates a continuum of negative stereotypes about American Indians, their culture, their heritage and their traditions, and

Whereas, the self-image of American Indian students are negatively impacted by the use of American Indian mascots and creates low self-esteem which is detrimental to the academic achievement of American Indian students, and

Whereas, the membership of the Maryland Commission on Indian Affairs has expressed concern about the use of American Indian descriptions which name mascots, logos, and sports team nicknames in Maryland Public Schools, Maryland Institutions of Higher Education, and agencies of state and local governments, their consultants and contractors, and

Now, therefore be it resolved, that the membership of the Maryland Commission on Indian Affairs considers the use of American Indian descriptions which name mascots, logos, and sports team nicknames as offensive and disrespectful to American Indians, their culture, their heritage, and their traditions, and

Be it further resolved, that the Maryland Commission on Indian Affairs, by this Resolution, requests and urges the Governor of Maryland to issue and Executive Order directing all state government agencies and urging county agencies, all County Board or Commissions, and all Boards of Education of each county, to discontinue the use, and remove all references to, American Indian descriptions which name mascots, logos, and sports team nicknames from their policies, publications, instructional materials, and communications by June 30, 2002.


The Maryland Commission on Indian Affairs adopted this resolution by unanimous vote of the membership during the February 5, 2001, Commission meeting.

Bobby Little Bear, Chairperson


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