Students Making All Races Tolerant (SMART)
Williamsport, PA   17701
November 20, 2003

Resolution by the Students Making All Races Tolerant on Eliminating Native American Descriptions Naming Sports Team Nicknames, Logos, and Mascots in all Public Schools and Higher Educations of Learning


It is the mission statement of SMART for students to recognize that each of them are precious individuals and can be successful by studying and meeting their goals.  In addition, by creating and writing compositions that are designed to ensure the development and respect for all races they can make a positive impact in life.


On April 19, 1995, the day of the Oklahoma City Bombing there was one know website promoting racial hate.  Now, there are over 5,000.  Therefore, to educate citizens, Multi-Cultural Education is designed to ensure the development of human dignity and respect for all people.


The use of Native American descriptions naming Sports Teams Nicknames, Logos, and Mascot in all Public Schools and Higher Educations of Learning have detrimental effects on Native Americans' self-esteem, self-concept, and a host of performance indicators.  Therefore, we abhor its use.

SUBMITTED BY: Dr. Gabriel Campana, Founder of SMART, SMART Board of Managers


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