Resolution of the Greater Tulsa Area Indian Affairs Commission
In support of the elimination and/or change of the Union Public School District's sports team name Redskins, logo, and/or mascot and false imagery of Greater Tulsa Area American Indians.

Whereas, Tulsa is home to the second largest American Indian urban population in the nation, and the use of the Union Public School District's sports team name Redskins, and the sports team logo, and/or mascot which perpetuates a continuum of negative stereotypes that makes a mockery of American Indians and our culture, heritage, and traditions, and

Whereas, the Union Public School images are considered offensive, disrespectful, and demeaning to the Greater Tulsa Area American Indian community and the Friends of Greater Tulsa Area American Indians, and

Whereas, the Greater Tulsa Area Indian Affairs Commission seeks to bring about awareness through education the negative impact of the use of the name Redskins and the Union logo and/or mascot which depicts stereotypical behavior of American Indians and the Greater Tulsa Area Indian community, and

Whereas, the use of the term Redskins is considered the most offensive and derogatory to most American Indians, the Redskins name, and depiction through a logo and/or as a mascot, glorifies the murder and skinning of American Indians, and

Whereas, the continued use of the Redskins name and images contributes to the low self-esteem of American Indian youth. American Indian juveniles have the highest rates of suicide in the nation, in some areas one in five will attempt suicide, and
Whereas, the use of Redskins, and other racially insensitive terms and images creates a racial division in the City of Tulsa.  The promotion of such racially insensitive terms and images has created an atmosphere of fear and intimidation.  American Indians suffer physical abuse at rates higher than any other ethnic group in America, and

Whereas, the use of the Union Public Schools sports team name Redskins, logo, and/or mascot contributes to poor race relations because they are viewed as racist, oppressive, and are harmful to harmonious relationships between the Greater Tulsa Area American Indian community and non-Indian citizens, and

Whereas, the Union Public Schools are nationally known for their activities, they promote a false imagery of American Indians not only locally, but statewide and across the nation, and contribute to the negative learning environment for our American Indian youth in our public schools, and

Whereas, the self-image of Greater Tulsa Area American Indian students are negatively impacted by the use of Union Public Schools Redskins name and images, and creates low self-esteem which is detrimental to the academic achievement of Greater Tulsa Area American Indian students, and

Now, therefore be it resolved, that the membership of the Greater Tulsa Area Indian Affairs Commission considers the use of the Union Public School District's sports team name Redskins, and the sports team logo, and/or mascot as offensive and disrespectful to Greater Tulsa Area American Indians, and our culture, heritage, and traditions, and we strongly urge the Union Public School District to eliminate and/or change their sports team name Redskins, sports team logo, and/or mascot to names and images that are not offensive to any minority group in the interest of promoting peace and harmonious community relationships.
The Greater Tulsa Area Indian Affairs Commission adopted this Resolution by a majority vote on February Fourth, in the year Two Thousand-Three.

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