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Propaganda Imagery

Published by the German "Ulk" magazine, this cartoon was intended as a critical  response to Hitler's 1930 statement  that after  a seizure of power by National Socialism "heads would  roll" in Germany.

Source: Ernst Hanfstaengl, Hitler in der Karikatur der Welt. Tat gegen Tinte (Berlin: Verlag Braune Bücher Carl Rentsch,1933) German Propaganda Archive Calvin College


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World War II American anti-Japanese propaganda poster

The Cleveland "Indians" baseball team's "Chief Wahoo" symbol is one of the most widely known "Indian" icons of its type.


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This  poster was from the circa 1937 Nazi "documentary" propaganda film called "Der Ewige Jude" (The Eternal Jew).


A mascot used (1999) by the South Vigo Public High School in Terre Haute, IN, USA
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How to Tell A Jew
This picture from the notoriously anti-Semitic children's book, "Der Giftpilz" (The Toadstoad) published by executed Nazi war criminal, Julius Streicher, shows a student "identifying" to his  teacher & peers "Jewish charactertistics" such as a nose shaped like a "6."
German Propaganda Archive Calvin College

The definitive origins of this image are unknown but it is believed to have been one used at some point by the Cleveland professional baseball team.


American Indian Sports Team Mascots
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