1. Whereas the Hutchinson Human Relations Commission has responsibility of administering and enforcing the provisions stated in Chapter 3 of the Hutchinson City Code, which prohibits discrimination with regard to RACE, RELIGION, COLOR, SEX, DISABILITY, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY OR AGE in employment, housing and public accommodation; and,

  3. Whereas HHRC’s mission is founded upon "…eliminating prejudice among various groups and creating harmonious relationships among persons within this city"; and,

  5. Whereas there exits ethnic, cultural and various minority groups who suffer oppression that is created by the use of stereotypical names, mascots and symbols which perpetuate the dehumanization of those ethnic, cultural and minority groups who live and work in this nation; and,

  7. Whereas said usage also presents a false distinctiveness and encourages racism and abuses of various ethnic, cultural, racial and religious symbols; and,

  9. Whereas such terms as "redskins" have been and still are being used as team names and usage of such mascots have been legally defined as racially bigoted and offensive to and against Native American people; and,

  11. Whereas many public and private businesses, places of public accommodation and entertainment establishments, employers and individuals living and working within the City of Hutchinson are encouraged to discontinue use, acceptance and promotion of derogatory team names, mascots and like symbols in relation to ethnic, cultural, racial or minority groups;

  13. Be it therefore resolved that the HHRC denounces the use of derogatory names, mascots, and/or symbols that depict false and offensive characteristics of any ethnic, cultural, racial or minority group; and,

  15. Be it also resolved that the HHRC will diligently work toward the elimination of such false and offensive uses of names, mascots or symbols with or without collaboration of individuals, groups or public and private organizations; and,

  17. Be it further resolved that it is the desire of the commission that public and private businesses, places of amusement and entertainment and individuals residing and working within the City of Hutchinson do not tolerate or promote the use of derogatory names, mascots or symbols which depict ethnic, cultural, racial or minority groups in any offensive manner; and, finally,


  19. Be it resolved that the HHRC encourages public and private entities , including the Kansas Human Relations Association, the Hutchinson City Council, the USD 308 Board of education, the Hutchinson/Reno County Branch NAACP and Hutchinson Community College to support and adopt policies and legislative action in opposition of the use of names, mascots and symbols depicting ethnic, cultural and minority groups of peoples in such manner.


NOW, THEREFORE, WE, THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON’S HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION, do hereby proclaim our endorsement and commitment to resolution:


HHRC: R-1-00




___________________________ ___________________________

(Leroy Bell)                                                                   (Gary L. Hughes)


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(Judy Dickinson)                                      (Melda Lundstrom, Vice-Chair)


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                                        (Carolyn T. Parson)                                     (Kent Pope)


___________________________ ___________________________

                                      ( Carmon Roberts-Agee)                               (Joni Tucker-Nisbeth)



(Julie Rodriguez, Chairperson)





Webmaster's note:  This resolution was adopted in November 1999